5 Ways to Assess Whether a Criminal Defense Attorney is Any Good

No one wants to be charged with a crime. But, if you are, or, if one of your friends or loved ones is, here are five things to consider when deciding whether you’ve got a good defense attorney or not.2016-01-16-1452968715-824397-oATTICUSFINCH5701.jpg

No one wants to be charged with a crime. But, if you are, or, if one of your friends or loved ones is, here are five things to consider when deciding whether you’ve got a good defense attorney or not.


1. Irrespective of payment or a client’s guilt or innocence, from the start, a good criminal defense attorney cares and takes steps to ensure the client’s constitutional rights are protected, and vindicated, and that the client is treated fairly and humanely by the criminal justice system. This doesn’t mean everything is going to go smoothly, or, that every decision from the first court appearance is going to go in the client’s favor. Usually, and particularly with serious charges, it doesn’t. But, a good defense attorney, whether representing an accused serial killer or shoplifter, is going to fight tooth and nail for their client — and it should be obvious they are — even if decisions by prosecutors, probation officials, and judges don’t immediately reflect their efforts.

2. Criminal defense attorneys, like judges, prosecutors, probation officers, and cops, are “repeat players” in the criminal justice system. Not always, but often, before a criminal case begins, the defense attorney has an established working relationship with the prosecutor and a passing familiarity, or better, with other repeat players in the case. This can be good because if the attorney has a good reputation (for being competent, passionate, and ethical, for example), they will be in a better position to negotiate and advocate for the client as the case winds through the system. This relationship between repeat players is important to be aware of because some defendants (or their family members) might see the defense lawyer share a smile or laugh with a prosecutor or probation officer and start immediately thinking — jeez, is this person on my side? But, the reality is, that smile or laugh may be part of a strategy the attorney is using to secure an advantage — be it information that might help defend the case, the dismissal or reduction of charges, a good plea deal, a favorable bond determination — or a million other decisions and calculations affecting a criminal prosecution. Remember the familiar adage: “You can catch more bees with honey?” It applies.

Now, don’t get me wrong, if a criminal defense attorney is constantly cozying up to the prosecutor and other repeat players such that it seems like he or she might actually care for them more than the client — that’s a problem — a big problem. But, then, likely, the lawyer in question is not zealously defending the client — see number 1 above — and the client should already be trying to get a new lawyer.

3. A good defense attorney doesn’t care if their client “did it.” Overwhelmingly, criminal defendants want their defense lawyers, just like they want everyone else, to believe they’re innocent. But, a good defense attorney doesn’t care whether their client is innocent or guilty because it’s of no moment as it concerns their constitutional obligation to try and beat the case, or, failing that, to secure the best, least penal outcome. Good defense attorneys aren’t focused on whether their clients are innocent or guilty. Instead, they protect and fight for defendants of both stripes using all available energy and resources.

4. A good defense attorney doesn’t accept what is in police and prosecution reports. Once assigned a case, he or she, in conjunction with a trained criminal investigator, will immediately begin investigating the allegations by demanding that the prosecutor turn over information (called “discovery”) about the case, collecting records, going to the scene of the alleged crime, talking to witnesses, hiring experts, taking statements, securing relevant video footage and pictures, serving subpoenas, etcetera.

5. A good defense attorney will regularly remind and urge their client to exercise their Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, insisting they not talk to anyone, except the defense lawyer and investigator, about the allegations. At the same time, a good defense attorney will regularly meet and talk with their client about their case whether the client is locked up or not. Defense attorneys are uniformly busy people, but, if they’re any good, they will make time to talk to their clients. Not only do they have an ethical obligation to do so, they know and appreciate that the best part of being a criminal defense attorney is the relationships formed with clients.

So, what do you do if you or someone you love doesn’t have a good defense attorney?

Well, if it’s a private attorney being hired, research should be done to find an attorney who has a good reputation for criteria 1-5 above. If it’s a court-appointed attorney or public defender not doing their job, it will be more difficult, but generally not impossible, to secure a substitute. What the client has to do — not a family member unless the client is a juvenile — is speak up! Without saying anything about the charges, they must write to the judge or tell the judge at their next court hearing that they want, in private, without the prosecutor present, to talk to the judge about how their attorney is failing them — using concrete examples of how (see criteria 1-5 above as a guide). There is a chance the judge will decide the client is right, or, that there has been a “complete breakdown” in the attorney-client relationship such that the appointment of a new defense attorney is required no matter what.

5 Advantages of Becoming a Criminal Attorney

Top 5 Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer in BostonWhether it’s a financial reward, a noble endeavor, the love of sheer excitement, below are just a few of the advantages of becoming a criminal attorney.

1. A Noble Endeavor

Advantages of Being a Criminal Lawyer | Article Submission

“Every single day of my life I wake up thrilled that I have the honor of being a criminal defense lawyer.” This from attorney Don Murray in “Why Be a Criminal Defense Lawyer.” The job of a criminal defense lawyer is so very important in a civilized society that in the eyes of the founding fathers they recorded it into our very Bill of Rights in the Sixth Amendment – “and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.” Not too shabby.

Murray goes on to explain his second most favorite advantage of becoming a criminal attorney. Some of the nation’s greatest heroes were criminal defense attorneys, willing to stand up for people for whom nobody else would. He talks about past criminal defense attorneys such as Abraham Lincoln and John Adams.

Adams once defended a group of British soldiers who were accused of taking part in the “Boston Massacre.” As Murray so eloquently put it, Adams “believed that representing the soldiers in the murder trial would be highly unpopular, but he did it anyway. He believed that his future political career in America might be ruined by taking the job, but he did it anyway. He believed that his own personal safety might be in question if he took the job, but he did it anyway. John Adams demonstrated in his deeds commitment to his beliefs. It was an act of great Patriotism to defend those British soldiers, or at least so John Adams thought.” Adams won the case and in doing so helped to establish the United States as a nation that is committed to what we now consider to be basic human rights.

2. High Stakes Excitement

The High Stakes of Handshakes | Discover Magazine

Many criminal attorneys love the sheer excitement in a winner-take-all, loser-loses-all situation. Another advantage of becoming a criminal attorney is that the high-stakes venture gets the blood rushing. Evidently, one of the advantages of being a criminal lawyer is that it’s much more exciting to talk about a bank robbery than it is to discuss Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code.

3. A Darn Good Argument

good argument goes a long way to stimulating a criminal attorney’s mind. Especially when the argument must be well-reasoned, well-researched, and well-organized. Most of the action in a lawyer’s work takes place outside of the courtroom and a criminal lawyer’s work is no exception. Where the well-prepared lawyer gets to wind it up and fire that dramatic pitch is in the courtroom, of course. But, it’s also in the office after a magnificent plea deal is agreed upon.

4. Defending the Constitution

In addition to the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution, the Fourth Amendment assures the world that the United States will brook no unreasonable searches or seizures. Again, it is the duty and honor of criminal attorneys to ensure that proper police work is conducted in an effort to solve crimes and protect the people.

Without the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, we as a nation are a pretty toothless lot when it comes to defending the freedoms of our people. Stephen Handy, a former lawyer for the district attorney and current criminal defense lawyer, writes about his time as a DA thus, “But it didn’t take long to see sloppy police work and cases sitting on my desk where I did not believe the person was guilty of any crime. I also learned how easily someone can be arrested, charged, and convicted of a crime they didn’t commit.”

5. Defending the Person

Many criminal defense attorneys get asked why they make their livings defending criminals and getting them off scot-free. Even with our mighty Constitution and Bill of Rights, all too often assumptions are made that if a person is accused of a crime, they must actually be guilty of that crime.

Imagine, if you will, you hear a loud banging on your door at 6:00 a.m. in the morning. It’s the FBI and they have your home surrounded. They burst in through all the doors and start yelling that you are surrounded.

This can be described as being a very bad, very awful day in your life. Not only do your neighbors hate you, but many of your coworkers, friends, and family doubt you now for being guilty of a crime possibly more heinous than murder.

You are completely innocent. The FBI made a mistake. Your best and brightest hope is the lone criminal defense attorney. Even the DA, another criminal lawyer, is mindful that all the legal rules have been followed to a T.


A criminal lawyer is a lone person who is willing to stand up for the accused. And the duty and honor of standing up for the accused are just one of the many advantages of becoming a criminal lawyer.


When you’re charged with a crime, there’s nothing more important than having a good lawyer. While it is hard to find specific state-wide stats on total arrest figures, Minnesota had more than 13,000 DWI arrests alone in 2018. That is a staggering figure, and it speaks to just how prolific district attorneys are at charging and prosecuting crimes. With this in mind, you may be wondering how to build a strong criminal defense. A good Woodbury criminal defense lawyer can tell you that there are many factors. Here are five steps that will help.

7 Steps to Building a Strong Criminal Defense Strategy - Logical Daily

1. Crafting a narrative of the case

While the burden of proof always falls on the state to prove that you committed a crime, an excellent criminal defense will require a narrative. Jurors like to know that there is another side to the story that bears consideration. Competent criminal defense lawyers can come up with a compelling story that allows jurors to adhere to something other than just returning a not guilty based upon the state failing to meet its burden.

2. Working hard to collect evidence

It’s not just prosecutors who collect evidence for their cases. A dependable Woodbury criminal defense lawyer will tell you that many cases are won on the defense side by getting all of the relevant discovery. Having a solid investigator on the case can help, too. When you’re choosing a lawyer, you should choose one who will put in the time in the early going to interview witnesses, visit the crime scene and get all of the relevant documents, no matter what it takes.

3. Knowing the law

Job Shadowing: Orientation a Key for Maximizing Results

Often, cases are won or lost because lawyers either know or fail to know the law. The criminal code is subtle, and the state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt every single element of the law. Understanding the subtle nature of some statutes can allow a good defense lawyer to base a defense on a specific component rather than trying to fight the whole case. For instance, the lawyer might argue that even though a robbery suspect took a person’s purse, he did not use force to do so.

4. Coming up with points of leverage and points of light

Many defense lawyers can win cases before they ever go to trial. The goal for them is to get it dismissed. They can do so by making sure the state knows that the defense has good leverage. On top of that, the best defense lawyers show the state that their client is a real human being who deserves to have the case go away.

5. The ability to fight

Can a Defense Attorney Contact a Sex Crimes Victim?

A good criminal defense will always involve the ability to fight. Lawyers have to know how to successfully advocate for clients at every level of the pre-trial and trial process. Those with experience are often the most effective. If you are looking for a lawyer who will fight, calling JS Defense is the first step. Justin Schiks can help guide you during a difficult time.

For more information please visit our site.

Benefits of Hiring Criminal Defense Lawyers Everyone Should Know

Unlike video games, life may not give you a second chance. In the same way, you get only one chance to fight criminal charges. According to the Pennsylvania Commission of Crime and Delinquency research, the average yearly criminal incident sentenced by the courts between 2012 and 2016 was 98030. There were 97,762 guilty pleas on 891,266 dispositions during the 5 years. These numbers show the importance of hiring the best criminal defense lawyer.

Benefits of hiring criminal defense lawyers - Nwmj Law

The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world. If you live in Pennsylvania, especially in Erie, the Erie criminal defense lawyers should be your first choice to defend your criminal case. Whether you are accused of a drug crime or tax evasion, relying on a court-appointed attorney is like playing with your life.

When facing a criminal charge, the first thing you need to do is find the best criminal defense lawyer. But why should you hire a defense lawyer when the court appoints you one? Here are 10 benefits of hiring a professional defense lawyer that you should know.

1. They Know the Criminal Justice System Inside and Out

Professional criminal defense attorneys spent years studying and practicing law, and they understand how to handle the various charges of any criminal case. They find out how the law can help to defend the case more strongly. They are always up-to-date with all the changes in the legal system and laws.

They thoroughly study your case and also analyze the charges for the possibilities of failures. They are also transparent about all the possibilities instead of giving you false hope. They have the experience of defending similar cases and know what steps should be taken.

2. They Help You Understand the Whole Process

The legal system can be challenging to understand, especially when each state has different laws and legal procedures. That’s why it is essential to hire a professional defense lawyer who will explain to you every tiny detail of your case.

They will also prepare you at every step of the case, from questioning by the police to how your case will proceed in the courtroom. Their guidance will help you eliminate any confusion you might have regarding the procedures and reduce your stress.

3. They Handle All Your Case Paperwork

Handling all the paperwork for a legal case is a crucial task. One missing document can have catastrophic consequences. It takes experience and exceptional attention to detail while filing various documents related to the case, such as multiple forms and applications.

An experienced defense lawyer knows which forms need to be there and how to fill them up correctly. They will take care of all the paperwork and know where, when, and how to submit them. They will ensure there is no mistake in the paperwork.

4. They Will Help You Consider All the Available Options

In many cases, the accused have the options to choose how the case will move forward. An expert criminal defense lawyer can help you weigh various options, from negotiations, the types of charges to the potential options for plea deals.

They can also negotiate other options like reducing the charges and penalties and possible dismissal of the case. You have the option of whether the case should go to trial or accept the deal offered by the prosecution. Your lawyer will help you to understand the consequences of each option.

5. They Will Give You Personalized Attention

When you are charged with a criminal offense, it can feel like your world is ending. You may feel like everything is going against you, but your professional defense lawyer will always have your back. They will be there to talk about anything related to the case and to support you throughout the case.

6. Your Money Will Be Spent in The Right Place

Hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer can be a little expensive, but it is worth spending that money. A criminal case can make or break your future and have some problematic consequences. Their expertise will also help you to avoid spending money unnecessarily, hence saving your money.
Your lawyer will ensure your case is handled with utmost attention and efficiency. It will expedite the whole process and help to get things back to normal for you. Most law firms also provide a free consultation for your case.

7. They Help To Protect Your Future

Criminal Defense Attorneys | Northern VA | The Reed Law Firm

A criminal case can leave a significant impact on your future, depending on the criminal charges. You can face jail time for years or high penalties and fees if you are convicted. Sometimes, the outcome can also affect your future employment possibilities and where you can live if you have certain criminal convictions like sex offenses.
An expert defense lawyer will do whatever they can to protect your future by keeping your record clean. In some circumstances, your lawyer may be able to have your case dismissed or at least have the conviction expunged from the records. Your lawyer helps you to consider various options in your case that will help you to lead a normal life.

8. They Will Handle The Discussion On Your Behalf

Your criminal defense lawyer will act as your spokesperson and take care of all the prosecution and law enforcement discussions. These discussions are sometimes heated, but your lawyer will do what’s best for you and your case by keeping calm and saying the right things.
A good rapport between the prosecution and the attorney ensures the negotiations are handled most professionally. They also know the local judges and create their strategies for your case according to the judge.

9. They Can Examine the Evidence Better

An expert criminal defense lawyer will protect you from any illegally gathered or tampered evidence. They will also call out any witnesses who have altered the truth or point out any weaknesses in their statements.

10. They understand the Regional Laws and Court Systems.

Top Three Benefits of Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer - Ellis Law, LLC

Every state in the United States has its legal system and distinct set of laws. Many of the states have different rules of their own. That’s why it makes sense to hire professional Erie criminal defense lawyers if you live in Erie. They understand the local court system and also have experience in fighting cases in your region.
Fighting a criminal case is a life-turning event. It’s best to hire a professional to get the best outcome. Hiring an experienced defense lawyer to defend your case will increase the possibility of winning the case.
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Should you cooperate with the prosecution in its case against others involved or potentially involved in the events that gave rise to the charges against you? If you are faced with this choice, consider the following advantages and risks of cooperating with the prosecution:


There is one, very significant, an advantage to cooperation: The best deals in criminal cases await those who cooperate or turn the state’s evidence against their confederates. If your involvement in a conspiracy is marginal, your cooperation may even convince the prosecutor not to charge you at all.



Cooperation often carries with it a serious risk of bodily harm. You and your criminal defense attorney should make sure that the prosecutor, police, and other government agents take those risks seriously and are capable of protecting you.

Aside from the risk of physical harm, you may feel deep emotional stress and guilt over betraying former friends. Remember, however, that your friends put you in this mess by enlisting you as a criminal conspirator and, had they the chance, they probably would cooperate against you without hesitation.


Most prosecutors take a “carrot and stick” approach to cooperators. The carrot is a substantial sentence reduction. The stick is a surrender of rights and a plea to a serious charge, such that if the cooperator betrays the prosecutor, the prosecutor can easily impose a crushing sentence as punishment. Thus, you may find yourself forced to plead to more serious charges and stipulate to stiffer sentencing guidelines if you cooperate than you would on a straight plea.


Most cooperation agreements give the prosecutor discretion to assess your cooperation’s truth and value and decide whether to ask the judge for a sentence reduction. However, courts have the authority to review whether this discretion is exercised in good faith. Examples of bad faith include:

  • Refusing a reduction based on the defendant’s religion, ethnicity, or political beliefs, or refusing to ask for a reduction based on conditions or conduct of which the government already was aware at the time of the agreement.
  • Basing a refusal on a belief that the baseline sentence (before any reduction) is sufficiently lenient.
  • Refusing because the defendant provides truthful information that the government does not want to hear.

If you had no cooperation agreement, you have no remedy for the prosecutor’s refusal to seek a reduced sentence unless the prosecutor acts from an unconstitutional motive, such as race or religion.

Choosing whether or not to cooperate with the prosecutor is a weighty decision. If you would like the counsel of an experienced criminal defense attorney, please call us.

What You Can Expect from the Best Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you’re looking at prison time or a hefty fine, it’s a good idea to look into hiring the best criminal defense lawyer possible. You may have the ability to get a court-appointed lawyer if your income qualifies.

Simply put: the legal system is designed to make competently representing yourself in criminal trials almost impossible. Even if you have an abnormally high IQ, the system does not work in your favor. Hiring an attorney to represent you in your criminal trial is a necessity.

This article discusses:

What Does a Criminal Lawyer Do?

Because no criminal case is exactly like another, criminal defense lawyers are trained to pick out the parts of each case that make them unique.

In essence, they use their knowledge to find subtle evidence and reasons why you should win the case.

Also, the best criminal defense lawyer for you may be able to spot certain arguments and factors that could mitigate or even negate any potential crime. Even if you are guilty and the evidence is against you, they may be able to help you reduce fines and jail time.

Daily Responsibilities of a Criminal Lawyer

The day-to-day of being an attorney might not seem glamorous. Generally, it involves:

  • Contacting clients through email, phone calls, video calls, or in-person meetings
  • Reading case documents, evidence, and statutes (laws)
  • Taking notes on what would be helpful for the case
  • Forming a strategy for the case

While these activities may seem boring, they are the essential building blocks to making a strong case.

Criminal attorneys often spend months preparing for a case. The preparation can take much longer than actually being in the courtroom. This way, when the case goes to court, things can move as quickly as possible, and there are no surprises in the case.

What Specific Work Does a Criminal Lawyer Do That I Can’t Do?

6 Qualities Of A Good Criminal Defense Lawyer | Attorney at Law Magazine

After the research and strategy are done, a criminal defense lawyer has many jobs. While in court, they will call witnesses in your defense and cross-examine the prosecution’s witnesses.

They need to be dynamic and trustworthy, explain complex topics to a jury, and be prepared to discuss any aspect of the case. And this is just the beginning of the tasks ahead of them.

Specialties and Duties: Plea Bargains

Your criminal defense attorney may work with you and the prosecutor to negotiate a “plea bargain.”

A plea bargain can reduce your potential sentence or eliminate some of the charges brought against you. However, prosecutors are often unwilling to negotiate with defendants that represent themselves.

Specialties and Duties: Sentencing

Your attorney will figure out a good sentencing program for your situation.

If you’re found guilty, your criminal defense attorney may be able to change your sentence. Often, they are changed in a way that would prevent you from winding back in the criminal justice system.

For instance, instead of going to prison for ten months for a drug possession conviction, your criminal defense attorney may suggest a prison sentence of six months and then four months in a drug treatment facility. This approach aims to help you with the drug problem that landed you in trouble in the first place.

Specialties and Duties: Case Outcomes

As hard as it might be to hear, an attorney has the experience and training to provide you with a reality check.

Defense lawyers know what’s going on much better than you will during your criminal trial. They also can predict how a case is going and what the judge or jury’s outcome may be.

Your defense attorney has the advantage of:

  • Remaining objective throughout a proceeding
  • Offering realistic insights into how the trial is actually going

These assessments and reality checks are often essential when a criminal defendant is trying to decide whether or not to accept a prosecutor’s plea bargain.

Specialties and Duties: Rules and Regulations

You can read books on criminal defense, but it takes years of study to grasp this area of law. Your attorney will point out important legal rules and regulations that you most likely wouldn’t find on your own.

Many rules about criminal prosecutions are buried within regulations and laws, and even prior court decisions.

For example, if you were to represent yourself, you may never know if the search that the police conducted of your apartment was lawful or not. To know this, you must understand the many nuances and intricacies surrounding the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Specialties and Duties: State-Specific People and Systems

Most people will find it hard to navigate their case through the state legal system where the case is being heard.

There are written rules, such as the local rules of court, that must be obeyed and followed. There are also often many “unwritten rules” that go along with each jurisdiction.

For example, let’s say only certain prosecutors can make and approve plea bargains. Your criminal defense lawyer may save you time (and maybe even jail time) by talking to the right person the first time.

Specialties and Duties: Consequences of Pleading Guilty

Your attorney can easily explain some of the “hidden costs” that come along with pleading guilty. Many people that represent themselves never think about the consequences of pleading guilty if it could lead to a shorter sentence.

For example, if you plead guilty, you may find it very hard to find a job once you’ve completed your punishment. An attorney will make sure you understand all your options before you plead.

Specialties and Duties: Handling Witnesses

Your attorney is trained in working with witnesses. They will be able to more easily gather evidence and statements from witnesses that are going to be called by the prosecution. Handling this without experience can be challenging for someone representing themselves.

Many witnesses, understandably so, refuse to give statements or information to people that were allegedly involved in a crime for fear of their own safety. However, these witnesses are often much more willing to talk to an attorney about their upcoming testimony.

Specialties and Duties: Handling Investigators and Experts

Part of the case will require finding and hiring investigators and expert witnesses.

Investigators can investigate not only the alleged crime but also the prosecution’s witnesses. If these investigators can find evidence that would make a witness’s testimony less believable, this could help your case tremendously.

Similarly, expert witnesses may be able to present evidence that would tend to show your innocence. They can also rebut evidence that the prosecution presents, making the prosecution’s case less credible.

Reading Books Can’t Replace Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Some criminal defendants seek to represent themselves by researching and reading books. However, reading books that spell out crimes, punishments, and defenses probably won’t lead you to victory in your case.

As any seasoned lawyer will tell you, there’s quite a vast difference between reading about the law and actually practicing the law in court.

Nothing Replaces Courtroom Experience

Understanding the ebbs and flows of a criminal trial can make the difference between winning and losing your case.

“Prosecutorial discretion” is a prime example of these ebbs and flows. Even the simple decision of what to charge a criminal defendant with can be complex. This can make all the difference in how a case is handled.

For example, what may appear to be a simple crime on paper could realistically be cast to be a multiple count indictment or a simple misdemeanor. Criminal defense lawyers are skilled at negotiating with prosecutors to figure out what counts to charge.

What Does Someone Need to Do to Become a Criminal Lawyer?

Is an Attorney and a Lawyer the same thing? - Internet Vive

A degree in criminal law requires:

  • A four-year degree from an accredited university
  • Three years of school from an accredited law school
  • A Juris Doctor degree
  • Passing the bar exam in the state they wish to practice in
  • A license to practice from the state

Law students can appear in court while in school if a licensed attorney supervises them.

Many law students will also intern at a law firm before they are hired at a firm. Once hired, attorneys will likely shadow more experienced attorneys to learn the ropes before taking major cases.

Experienced attorneys will have years under their belt in and out of court. Still, newer attorneys are often cheaper to hire. Consider which level of experience better suits your needs.

What Questions Should You Ask a Criminal Lawyer?

Most criminal law attorneys don’t handle every type of criminal case. There is a large difference between defending a DUI and defending a client charged with murder. It is crucial to hire an attorney who has experience in the charges you are facing.

You should also communicate well with the attorney and feel comfortable being honest with them, and the approach they will take in court. Not every attorney is a fit for every client.

You should ask a prospective attorney these types of questions:

  • How long have you practiced law?
  • Have you handled a case like this?
  • What percentage of your time is spent on this specific type of case?
  • Do you focus on a certain area of criminal law?
  • What information do you need/should I prepare for our first meeting?
  • How do you handle fees? (Hourly, on retainer, per case, payment plans, credit cards, etc.)

Get Professional Help From a Criminal Defense Attorney

As you can see, a good criminal defense lawyer can make your job easier. They can also improve your chances of winning your case or obtaining a more favorable plea bargain.

Even if you qualify for a court-appointed attorney, there’s nothing keeping you from speaking with an experienced attorney to obtain a second opinion on your case.

If you’re really set on representing yourself in court, you should, at the very least, retain the best criminal defense lawyer possible to act as a coach during your trial.

You can find an experienced criminal defense attorney near you and start by reading reviews and testimonials or having a free phone consultation to ask questions about your case. ... Read More

17 Best Criminal Defense Attorney Strategies: How Lawyers Win a Criminal Case

Here our lawyers share the best criminal defense strategies and defense lawyer tactics we use to fight criminal charges, win cases and get a case dismissed in 2021.

18 Secrets of Criminal Defense Attorneys | Mental Floss

The best part?

These proven legal defenses and arguments are distilled from our former Prosecutor’s experience handling over 8,000 criminal cases and jury trials.

It is important to remember that defendants are innocent until prosecutors prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

8 key factors drive what your best defense strategy is:

Responsibilities of a Criminal Defense Lawyer | JSBNI

  1. Defendant’s explanation of what happened, why and credibility.

  2. Witness testimony and credibility.

  3. Provable facts and physical evidence.

  4. Police reports, errors and credibility.

  5. Expert, 3rd party reports and testimony.

  6. Penal code charge and the required crime elements to prove.

  7. Criminal prosecutor strategy & history.

  8. Judicial precedent & the judge’s history.

The job of a criminal defense lawyer is to select the best criminal defense attorney tactics after reviewing a case’s facts and circumstances.

Every case is unique and the best criminal defense attorneys weigh all factors to develop a case theory and criminal defense strategy most likely to succeed.

Criminal defense strategies are legal arguments and actions taken to get criminal charges dismissed and secure a defendant’s freedom. They involve exposing legal flaws and doubts about any crime elements the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt in order to win a conviction.

If you’re facing prison or harsh penalties, it is key to consult a top criminal lawyer. No matter how smart you are, it is nearly impossible to competently defend yourself.

Let’s dive in with these criminal defense examples…

Criminal Defense Blogs

Sex Crime, Drug Crime, DUI/OWI, Violent Crime, and Other Criminal Case Defense in Lansing, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, and Throughout Michigan

When you are investigated for a crime or charged with a criminal offense in Michigan, you need to start gathering information that will help you throughout your case. Hiring a lawyer is always the best first step to take, however there is a variety of information available online that can assist you in the criminal justice process. Our criminal defense lawyers’ blog and sex crime defense blog can help you understand the laws and legal issues affecting your case, and provide you with some of the information you need to make decisions about your case.

Never take legal action without hiring an experienced Michigan criminal defense lawyer, and don’t speak with police or attempt to go through the early stages of your case without skilled representation. Our Michigan defense lawyers have assisted clients who face drug crime, sex crime, drunk driving, violent crime, and other criminal charges, and have the experience and knowledge needed to guide you through your case.

Contact Grabel & Associates now for aggressive criminal defense representation in Michigan. Our statewide defense lawyers will do everything they can to help you fight for the best possible case result, and we are available immediately to begin working with you in your case.

Michigan Criminal Lawyers Blog

Grabel & Associates publishes a criminal lawyers blog that has information about laws, prominent cases, and other legal issues in the state of Michigan and beyond. Some of the topics on our Michigan criminal defense blog include:

Michigan Sex Crime Attorneys Blog

For information about sex crimes cases, sex offense laws, sex crime registration, and more, visit our sex crime blog. Some of the topics included in this blog are:

Michigan DUI and Drunk Driving Lawyer Blogs

If you have been accused of drunk driving, DUI, OWI, or any other intoxicated driving charge, contact Grabel & Associates now. Some of the pages below may be helpful in determining what charges you face, why you need an attorney, and what potential criminal penalties you are facing may be.

Michigan Sex Crime Defense Blogs

Sex crime charges are very serious, and if convicted, you could face jail time, fines, and sex offender registration among other penalties. Contact our MI firm now if you have been accused of a criminal charge, and review the blog posts below for more information about sex crimes in Michigan.

Drug Charges Defense Blogs

The following pages contain information on drug crime and drug charges in Michigan. Additional blog posts can be found on the Michigan Criminal Lawyers Blog.

Violent Crime Charges Blogs and Articles

Assault, homicide, and other violent crime charges are taken very seriously by Michigan police and prosecutors, and anyone charged with a violent crime charge should contact an attorney immediately. Our criminal defense blog has information on legal issues including the following charges:

Contact Grabel & Associates for Aggressive Michigan Criminal Defense

Our experienced lawyers know what it takes to earn great results for clients who are facing criminal charges, and we will dedicate as much time as necessary to your case. We care about your future, and will protect your rights while fighting for your freedom no matter what charge you face. We believe every client is innocent until proven guilty, and will provide you with a dynamic defense strategy based on the unique details of your case.

Call 1-800-342-7896 now to speak with an experienced attorney, or contact us online. We are available 24/7 to take your call, and can begin helping you as soon as you contact us. Never take legal action without consulting an attorney, contact us now and ask to set up a free consultation with trial lawyer Scott Grabel. The more you know about the charges you face, the better you will be able to defend against conviction.

10 Tips to Help You Find the Best Criminal Defense Attorney

How Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer Defend Someone Who Is Guilty?

If you already understand the importance of having an excellent attorney when you’re facing a criminal charge, the next step is finding the best criminal defense attorney to represent you. Not all lawyers are created the same, and finding the right attorney can make all the difference when it comes to putting up the best defense possible.

Taking the time to seek out the best defense attorney can ensure you are represented in the best light possible when you go to court. Although the process of searching for a lawyer can seem daunting, especially when dealing with the repercussions of a criminal charge, this is arguably one of the most important steps of the entire case. Here are ten tips to help you find the best criminal defense attorney.

Red Flags When Choosing a St. Louis Auto Accident Lawyer

1. An Attorney Should Be Responsive

When you’re facing a criminal charge, time is of the essence. Time lost is a case lost. You need a criminal defense attorney that’s going to get to work on the case right away.

When you contact a lawyer, they should respond quickly. Their legal team should be able to arrange a meeting with you within one day. If they’re quick to answer to your phone call or email, they’re probably going to be equally on the ball when it comes to defending you.

2. The Right Attorney Specializes in Criminal Law

Although they don’t have to practice criminal law exclusively, the right attorney at least specializes in criminal law. If you don’t see anything on the attorney’s website about criminal law, it’s likely that they’re not the right lawyer for your needs.

The practice of law is just that — practice. Your attorney needs regular involvement in criminal law to stay up to date on the nuances of this type of law and the best possible defenses.

3. Choose Someone Experienced in the Local Courts

In addition to finding a lawyer that’s qualified in criminal law, you should look for an attorney that’s experienced in the local courts. This aspect of deciding on the right attorney is one that is often overlooked, but local connections and relationships can go a long way when fighting a criminal charge.

Not only does each court do things their own way, but each judge does things their own way too. Knowing the ins and outs of the court you’re up against can help you create a winning strategy for your case.

4. Check Reputable Sources

You can learn a lot about an attorney on the internet. Some of these sources are reputable, and some are not. You can check the State Bar of Nevada to see if a lawyer has any formal discipline on their record. This is a good place to start, but your research shouldn’t stop there.

Some websites like Google+ and Facebook don’t let attorneys remove bad reviews, so these websites can be a good place to look at what other clients have to say. Other sites help attorneys paint a rosy picture. While you don’t want to count an attorney out because of one bad review, reading reviews can give you a general idea of what other clients have to say about them and their services.

5. Ask for Referrals

One of the best ways to find the right attorney for you is to ask your friends and family if they know any good lawyers. Those with first-hand knowledge of how an attorney operates can help offer you insight into how they will handle your case.

Also, if you use a lawyer for business or estate planning matters, you can ask them who they recommend for a criminal case. Word of mouth can be a great way to get an honest opinion especially when the person you’re asking wants what’s best for you.

6. The Right Attorney Knows the Basics Off the Top of Their Head

An attorney doesn’t have to know everything without having to look things up, but they should know the basics of the most common crimes. They should be able to explain to you the possible and likely penalties for the charges against you.

They should know the questions to ask you to determine if nuances apply to the case. The best criminal defense attorney has a certain level of familiarity and comfort with the laws and the criminal justice system.

7. Look for a Clear Fee Structure

The best defense attorney doesn’t want confusion about their bill. Instead, they’re going to explain in simple terms how they bill and give you an idea of what you can expect regarding their fees for services and the total cost of your defense.

Understanding Criminal Defense Attorney Fees

The least expensive lawyer isn’t always best. Instead, you should ask what their services include and make sure that your attorney is up for mounting a vigorous defense.

8. Gauge Their Enthusiasm

Some attorneys work harder than others. You will want a lawyer that conducts a thorough investigation. They should go to trial when it’s best to go to trial, and they should encourage you to accept a plea offer only when it’s really in your best interest. When it’s time to decide whether to go to trial or accept a plea, the right attorney can articulate what choice they feel is in your best interest and why.

The way to find this attorney is to look for enthusiasm. While your attorney should be experienced, the number of years of experience isn’t everything. The right attorney has a certain level of sincere interest in their work, and they must be eager to dive into your case on your behalf.

9. They Have Courtroom Confidence

One type of experience that matters is courtroom experience. Criminal trials move fast. Sometimes, your attorney has mere seconds to make an objection that could impact the outcome of the case. Make sure your attorney has enough experience to know the court rules and have confidence and comfort in a court hearing.

In this regard, you can judge a book by its cover. If an attorney has a neat appearance and is well spoken when you meet with them, they’re likely to be the same way in court. The attorney you choose speaks on your behalf. When you meet, you should like the way they present themselves, because they’re going to be speaking for you.

10. They Take Direction From You

Ultimately, your criminal charge is yours to defend. Your attorney should control the specific methods of mounting your defense like filing court motions and what witnesses to call, but the big decisions are up to you.

It’s up to you to decide if you plead guilty or go to trial. Your attorney should take the time to understand your goals and priorities and take them into account when they’re helping you make your action plan.

Trust Your Instincts

With so much on the line, it’s worth the time and effort to find the right criminal defense lawyer for you. You can do a lot of the research online, but you need to meet with them in person too. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Even though it’s important to take the time to find the right lawyer, it’s also important to work quickly to protect your interests.

5 Important Questions to Ask Your Family Law Attorney

The idea of ending your marriage can be overwhelming. But, when you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse have children together, it makes the whole procedure that much more daunting and important.

While much of what the future will hold for your family rests on its past, making sure to hire the correct attorney is equally essential.

Real advice from practicing attorneys

When meeting with attorneys for your initial consultation, here are some questions you should consider asking so you learn more about their experience and what to expect moving forward.

What is your approach?

Not all attorneys focus on family law. Additionally, not all attorneys take the same approach to divorce, especially when children are involved.

Lisa. L. Stewart of the Vaught Law Firm, P.C. suggests getting right to the teeth of the matter and to start off straight away with a simple, “What is your approach to child custody cases?”

She elaborates, “Nothing is more important than your children. As board specialized family law attorneys, we have the experience to know how to advocate for a child’s needs and how to prepare complex child custody orders. We approach child custody cases with compassion and zealous advocacy.”

What are my options?

Another question to ask the attorneys you meet with that is related to the first one is what your options are. You should now know how the attorney or firm prefer to manage custody cases, but you should also find out if they’re giving you the whole picture.

For example, Anita Savage of Goranson Bain, PLLC suggests asking, “How can you help me keep my family out of a courtroom?”

While this might be something you will want to ask every attorney you meet with, you may want to dig a little more into this specifically with any attorney that seems overly zealous to get you into litigation.

Am I being reasonable?

Divorce is a time of extreme emotional strain. When children are involved it’s that much more amplified.

When emotions run high it sometimes clouds judgment. What you may feel is extremely reasonable in regards to your assumptions of how much parenting time you will have compared to your ex-spouse, attorneys may not agree.

Kelsey Mulholland of the Ruvolo Law Group, LLC weighs in with, “I think the most important questions for a parent to ask a divorce attorney at the very beginning of a litigation is whether the attorney thinks that parent’s idea for a custody/parenting time arrangement is fair or not. Most parties come to an attorney with an idea as to what the custody/parenting time arrangement should be. If the party can provide his/her attorney with that idea and explain why they think it is fair, the attorney can then provide feedback and let the party know the likelihood of that custody or parenting time schedule being put into place by a Court or by agreement.”

Getting on the same page with the attorney you hire right from the start will only make the entire process that much smoother.

What exactly am I getting myself into?

After you have a basic grasp of how an attorney operates and whether or not you’re starting off eye-to-eye as far as your expectations, getting a feel for the whole process from start to finish is a great idea.

Karen Grayson-Rodgers of The Salvo Law Firm, P.C. says, “It is important to ask about the procedure when custody is in dispute. Custody cases are heard on an expedited track and are the most important part of the divorce. Many think they will jump to trial but before a Court will allow a trial, the parties must first attend mandatory mediation, if unsuccessful, custody evaluations with a psychologist will follow. The next important question would then be, who to hire for the evaluations, should I retain my own expert or use a court appointed joint expert?”

By asking these questions, you also get to learn more about how your attorney plans to approach your case.

Can I afford this?

Attorney fees are not miniscule. Even well-prepared parents that handle as much of the preparation as possible on their own, like using child custody software to develop a parenting plan instead of relying solely on an attorney to do so, can spend a small fortune on fees. Depending on the complexity of your case, as well as whether or not you are able to come to an agreement outside of the courtroom, the financial burden of your divorce can escalate quickly.

However, it’s important to remember that life post-divorce requires upkeep as well. Todd Spodek, the managing partner of the Spodek Law Group P.C. recommends keeping that in mind and asking, “What are the short-term and long-term financial effects of this proposed custody split?”

Knowing what you’re looking at financially ahead of time can help you make any necessary adjustments so your post-divorce life gets a smooth start for both you and your children.

Staying organized

Finding the right attorney is only the beginning of your journey to child custody. You may need to create a parenting plan, draft multiple custody schedulestrack your parenting time, calculate expenses and beyond.

The Custody X Change app enables you to do all that in one place.

With a parenting plan templatecustody calendars, an expense tracker and more, Custody X Change makes sure you’re prepared for whatever issues may arise during your case.

Take advantage of our technology to stay on top of all the moving parts of your case.

Custody X Change is software that creates professional parenting plan documents and parenting schedules.

Contact us for more information.